
domingo, 5 de agosto de 2018

5 Ways To Attract More Abundance By Being Grateful…
agosto 05, 20180 Comments

Being grateful on a daily basis for just one week is clinically proven to have had benefits lasting for six months or more by studies by clinical psychologists in the academic field of positive psychology. Spiritual masters have known and advocated gratitude for literally millenia. Personal development gurus also state that gratitude is a practice works for success, happiness and abundance.
But how do you “be grateful?” The simple answer is do the opposite of being ungrateful or feeling that there is nothing to be grateful for. There are always millions of reasons to be grateful. The opportunity for gratitude is limitlessly abundant. You can never run out of things to be grateful for, because the universe never ceases to support you, even when it seems things are going wrong.
In fact, things seeming that they are going wrong is simply the universe pointing out that there is a big reason to be grateful! Why don’t people get the lesson and continue to act as victims of a cruel and unfair world? It is just a valuable life lesson – a lesson in gratitude. Gratitude is not limited to winning the lottery, getting on TV or passing the exams. To be...
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miércoles, 1 de agosto de 2018

Creating An Anabolic State That Supports Muscle Growth
agosto 01, 20180 Comments

You can only build muscle if your body is in the correct anabolic balance to allow growth to take place. Intensive exercise is clearly an important part of the muscle building process but achieving the maximum muscle mass depends on putting the building blocks in place. This is achieved through sound nutritional practices so you need to be aware of the following anabolic enhancing principles:
1. Protein is the basic raw material needed to build muscle. Protein supplies the amino acids that the body uses to repair and build muscle following intensive exercise. Aim to consume 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight each day from food like beef, fish, poultry, eggs, milk and whey. Spread the load over at least six meals to derive the optimum benefit and avoid overloading the liver.
2. Carbohydrates are needed to energize the muscle building process. Carbohydrates stimulate the release of insulin which pushes the amino acids into muscle cells to begin the process of repair. The body uses carbohydrates as a source of energy – consume too little and the body will steal protein that would otherwise be used for repairing and building muscle. Aim to...
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viernes, 27 de julio de 2018

Detox Diets – The New Diet Fad
julio 27, 20180 Comments

Detox Diets are the newly-researched, scientific way of cleansing accumulated toxic wastes from the body. The human body is exposed to toxins from environmental pollutants, processed foods, pesticides and non- evacuated metabolic bodily wastes. They build up gradually over many years and remain stored within body fat, resulting in number of ailments. Diseases like cancer, heart attacks, ulcers, skin problems, various aches and pains, lowered immunity, obesity, etc are all caused by accumulated toxins in our body. A regular detox diet purges and purifies the body.
Detox Diet Foods
Natural, unprocessed fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, low fat diary products are all detox diet foods.
Elimination of meat, fish, eggs, and processed foods containing pesticides, heavy metal, stimulants like tea, coffee, alcohol and cigarettes for a few days from our diet can greatly reduce the toxic build up in our body. Consumption of purified water keeps the system hydrated and helps in flushing out wastes from the kidneys.
Detox Diets : Methods
Fasting at least once a week regularly or subsisting on water and fruits along with fasting releases...
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jueves, 26 de julio de 2018

Yoga Questions and Answers
julio 26, 20180 Comments
FacebookWhat is Yoga? Yoga is a very old way of life that came from India that encourages personal health, spirituality and wellness. It doesnt clash with any religion but does have an influence on our spiritual path. What Yoga is not: a religion, a circus act, looking intently at a candle in roomful of smoky incense, or just for adolescents who are flexible.

To practice correctly you need discipline, concentration and attentive breathing. The effect of serious Yoga practice is an excellent union of mind, body and spirit. No matter your age, knowledge, body shape, or physical skills can implement a Yoga program.
Hatha based or alignment Yoga has been around for approximately 5000 years. More and more medical practitioners and therapists are using Yoga as a remedy for many kinds of poor health conditions. The rewards of Yoga practice are numerous and consist of increased strength and flexibility, cardiovascular vigor, healing injuries, produces mental clarity and emotional balance.
Most significantly, its a complete exercise. Yoga practice can replace various exercises such as:
1.Weight lifting drills for strength.
2.Jogging or aerobics for...

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Yoga and Christianity a Conflict?
julio 26, 20180 Comments

being a practicing Christian myself, there are very few things in Yoga that conflict with Christianity. Some critics argue that Yoga and Christianity cannot co-exist, and yet we know that Yoga is not a religion.
However, that depends on your opinion. Recently, I was reading about someone who claims Kundalini is new age witchcraft. Sorry to say, another person recently stated, Good Christians should avoid the devils exercise, in reference to Yoga.
Are the Salem witch trials still so close to our hearts? These claims are interesting because ministers and priests have been practicing meditation for centuries, without any complaints.
I suppose, if someone devoted enough time to meditating on bad thoughts, meditation would be a bad experience.
To be honest, it depends upon what you meditate about; and in truth, within some schools of Yoga, Hinduism, or Buddhism is taught. For me, this has always been a conflict, as I love Yoga, but have no desire to change my faith.
The many teachings of Yoga and meditation, are non-sectarian. Now, if Yoga were a religion, which would it be? The principles of Yoga are universal.
The Yamas and Niyamas are...
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Yoga is “Unity”
julio 26, 20180 Comments

Experienced Yoga practitioners often feel discouraged when a naturally gifted dancer, gymnast, or martial artist, performs an advanced asana with little effort. As I have mentioned before, there are people with elongated joint capsules and their extraordinary range of motion is a gift. You and I may have to work at it, but the many rewards of Yoga practice are still there.
Yoga consists of many facets, and Asanas, are just one of the many parts of Yoga. Many students who have extraordinary flexibility admit they struggle with another part of Yoga – such as: The student who just can’t calm down to meditate, balancing in asanas, Pranayama, Yogic Philosophy, and so on.
Unfortunately, I have seen many promising Yoga practitioners quit practicing Yoga, due to a competitive mind-set. Within their own minds – they were in competition with every student in the class and, possibly, their Yoga teacher too.
Remember that Yoga means “union.” In simple terms, we can say union of mind, body, and spirit. There are many more explanations about union, but that could be a separate article. There are also many branches of Yoga and, therefore,...
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miércoles, 25 de julio de 2018

Aging and the pH miracle diet
julio 25, 20180 Comments

When many people hear the word diet they immediately think of weight loss. The focus on thinness in our society has equated this word with shedding a few pounds. However, diet really means any food or drinks you put into your body. The diet that you consume has a profound impact on your overall health. The pH miracle diet is not just a diet for weight loss. In fact, the first volume of this popular series was dedicated to health in general. The original pH miracle diet book focuses on many issues, including aging.
What does aging have to do with pH and acid/alkaline foods? Some experts contend that the reason we age has to do entirely with the amount of acidic foods that we eat. The theory is that we get older because we do not effectively get rid of the wastes and toxins that accumulated through our bodies.
We burn nutrients within our cells to get energy, maintain our body temperatures and get our bodies to function correctly. No matter what type of food you eat, vegetable or meat, acid or alkaline, gourmet food or junk food, they are composed of the same elements: carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen.
In order to function correctly, the cells use...
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